Shantum Seth | How to Live Mindfully During COVID and Beyond

“Stop. Breathe. Smile.” — Shantum Seth, Zen Leader

Mindfulness is about much more than meditation. It’s about living a purpose-filled life focused on the present moment—and few people understand this like Shantum Seth, a world-renowned Zen teacher, and international mindful leader. 

In our conversation, Shantum explains how this time of isolation and uncertainty is the perfect moment to practice living life in the now and finding joy in things we too often take for granted. 

Shantum has been an Ordained Teacher in the Zen Buddhist lineage of the Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh since 2001. He has taught all over the world and has led pilgrimages “in the footsteps of the Buddha,” and many other transformative journeys since 1988. He is actively involved in social, environmental, and educational programs including work on cultivating Mindfulness in society, education, government, business, and more. This is pioneered by Ahimsa Trust which he co-founded. 

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • A beautiful meditation from Shantum

  • Why COVID offers us a unique opportunity for reflection

  • How isolation and silence enhance mindful practices

  • About Shantum’s relationship with his Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh

  • Why everyone should visit India three times

  • How we can “travel” despite being stuck at home

  • What makes nature a powerful teacher of life

  • His love of mindful walking practices

  • How to eat more mindfully

  • Why “happy teachers will change the world”

  • How we’re all teachers at some point in our lives

  • Why his mother is often called the Ruth Bader Ginsburg of India

  • When Shantum found his calling as a mindful leader

  • And so much more!

More About Shantum Seth

Shantum Seth has been a Senior Advisor to the World Bank and advised the Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Tourism for the Government of India. He worked in the corporate sector and later in social advocacy and development, fifteen years of which were with the United Nations Development Program, managing programs on Volunteer Promotion and Artisan Development across 16 countries, as also initiating the Endogenous Tourism program in India. 

Shantum Seth has contributed to a number of books including, Walking with the Buddha, Planting Seeds with Song: Sharing Mindfulness with Children, and Volunteers against Conflict. He has also been a consultant on films including Life of the Buddha made by the BBC and Discovery and The Story of India made by BBC and PBS.

He has led mindful journeys and been a guest speaker for many institutions including the Young Presidents’ Organization, Phillips Exeter Academy, Rietberg Museum, and the United Nations Development Programme executive board. He has also led private sessions and tours for individuals such as Drew Barrymore and Sting.

Connect with Shantum Seth





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