Sister Lucy Kurien | Having Faith in Your Boldest Ideas

“The power of love, that's what I experience every day. Just looking into the children’s eyes: that's enough.” — Sister Lucy Kurien


Facing an imposing goal with limited resources, many of us would give in, unsure of where to even start. Sister Lucy Kurien took on a mission that seemed almost impossible — and she’s still aiming higher.

Sister Lucy became a nun at 19, because she wanted to help the impoverished people of India. She joined the Holy Cross order, and worked for its Human Organisation for Pioneering in Education (HOPE) in Pune, a city in the western Indian state of Maharashtra. 

The organization offered vocational training for women, but not shelter. One day, Sister Lucy was forced to turn away a heavily pregnant woman begging for a place to stay, away from her abusive husband. He murdered her that night.

The incident shook Sister Lucy to her core. Despite having no money or experience, she resolved to start a shelter for women and children from all religious, caste and class backgrounds, who needed to escape domestic violence and poverty. 

Sister Lucy opened the first Maher home six years later, in 1997, and gave it a motto: “Always room for one more.” 

In this episode of Leading With Genuine Care, you’ll learn from Sister Lucy about how her faith helped her fight the odds, following her conscience even when it made her mission harder, the impact of COVID-19 on Maher, and her message for people of all religions.  

You’ll also learn:

  • How Mother Teresa inspired Sister Lucy's work

  • The meaning of Maher's motto, “Always room for one more”

  • How Sister Lucy overcame her fears to start the first Maher home

  • How she’s stayed true to Maher's non-religious origins

  • How it really feels to be considered an inspiration

  • About her meeting with former US President Bill Clinton and Pope Francis

  • The lessons Sister Lucy wants to pass on to the children in her care

  • Advice she has for everyone — you may be surprised!

Learn More About Maher 


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